Defining An Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety disorder Is generally a term that covers different types of extreme pathological phobia, fear, and anxiety. A person suffering from an anxiety disorder may experience abnormal feelings of anxiety even without knowing the cause or they may also have Intense and sudden panic attacks. The attacks may be In the form of unwanted obsessions or compulsions and uncommon social Inhibitions.
Even though anxiety disorders have different forms, they are all the same In one thing – extreme and persistent worrying or fear. This condition becomes alarming as the Intensity and frequency of the said responses can disrupt or undermine a person's everyday routine and productivity.
Below are the three characteristics of anxiety disorders:
1. Consistent, all-consuming, and continuous.
2. Interferes social Interactions and activities.
3. Causes emotional withdrawal and Isolation.
Enumerating The Factors Leading To Anxiety Disorders
There are a number of factors that can lead to the development of anxiety disorders. These factors are categorized according to personality, environmental, hereditary and brain chemistry.
1. Personality
According to medical studies, differences In personality can significantly affect the development of anxiety disorder In a person. It Is common In people with extreme anxiety condition to view the people and environment around them as threatening. People suffering from anxiety disorders also have Inferiority complex, thinking and believing that they are powerless towards other people or situations.
2. Environmental
The environment Is also a very strong contributing factor In the development of anxiety disorders In people. Traumatic situations such as separation of parents, death, weak support system as well as conflicts with family members and friends can definitely lead to abnormal anxiety condition.
3. Hereditary
Studies proved that anxiety disorders are also hereditary. This means that these psychological conditions run In the family. Those who are found to be suffering from anxiety disorders have family members who are also experiencing extreme anxiety conditions or mood disorders. Recent studies also claimed that there are certain generic factors (such as vulnerability to stress) that contribute to a person’s susceptibility to anxiety disorders.
4. Brain chemistry
The occurrence of Imbalances on a human brain’s neurotransmitters can also lead to the further development of anxiety disorders. As such, the medications commonly given by doctor or health practitioners are meant to readjust the chemical Imbalance In the brain.
Apart from the four main factors enumerated above, chief life stressors such as marital problems and financial difficulties can also trigger the development of an anxiety disorder.
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