
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tips on how to Quit Smoking

ONE: overload on facts

It’s no secret that smoking is bad for us, but if you’re like most smokers, you avoid looking at the destruction smoking causes. Inform yourself and read everything you can find about smoking. It will help you start to make the psychological shift necessary to quit smoking.

Two: healthy eating

When you first stop smoking, it throws your body into shock. You’ll find that it’s easier to cope with the discomforts of nicotine withdrawal if you eat right, and you’ll cut down weight gain due to quitting.

Three: make time to exercise

If you already have a daily exercise regimen, great! If not, start. Pick something you enjoy, and you’ll be more inclined to stay with it. Try a half hour of exercise every day. Walking is a great way to exercise and it’s a quick fix for the urge to smoke.

Four: drink more water

Water will help to flush toxins out of your body, and fight the craving to smoke. When you’re well-hydrated, you’ll feel better all together, which is a plus when you’re going through nicotine withdrawal.

Five: control the cravings

It would be a good idea to consider using nicotine replacement therapy, such as nicotine patches or chewing gum, especially for people who smoke heavily or who need the extra help. Also there are medications available by prescription, such as bupropion (brand name Zyban) that can help you quit by reducing withdrawal symptoms and the urge to smoke. Ask your doctor what would be the best treatment for you.

Six: get support

Having others who are interested in your success is very important. Nowadays, there are groups you can join online, your close friend and especially supported from your family members.

Seven: rest more

Eight: one day at a time

Your dedication to quit smoking is established one day at a time. Every day you are smoke free makes you stronger, and stronger.

Nine: watch what you drink

You might also want to cut down on coffee intake as you will absorb more caffeine when there is no nicotine in your system. Feeling jittery will not help your plan to quit. It will also be best to avoid alcohol as most people find it hard to resist smoking when they drink.

Ten: be prepared

Plan ahead for situations in which you are likely to be tempted to smoke, such as parties, drinking or going out for coffee.

Eleven: don’t give up

If you find you are losing the motivation to quit, remind yourself of the countless medical and financial benefits of quitting! For example, 12 months after quitting, the risk of heart disease is reduced to nearly half that of a smoker’s.

Twelve: be done with it

Throw away all cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters and anything else that might remind you of smoking. Wash your clothes, bedding and clean your car to remove the smell of smoke.

Quit Smoking medications so you don’t go at it alone

There are two medications on the market that do not contain nicotine and are clinically proven to help smokers quit smoking for good. I suggest visiting a doctor to see if Zyban or Chantix are right for you, and if they approve of the medication you can always from a pharmacy nearby you.

Last but not least, be happy always.....


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